From George Washington to Major General William Heath, 1 January 1781
To Major General William Heath
New Windsor Jany 1st 1781
Dear Sir,
I have but a moment to acknowledge the receipt of your favor of this date. I beg of you to charge Lt Edes to be attentive to the Water Guards about Verplanks point—and the Guards at West point to the Order I requested you to Issue, relative to Boats passing after Tattoo.
The perspective delivered by Lt Edes belongs to me—which with the other articles (supposed to be Humphreys’s) had better be sent hither.
If you think the conduct of Captn Pritchard & the Militia, of sufficient importance to mention with approbation in your Orders, it will be quite agreeable to me, as it may serve as a stimulus. Colo. Hulls next, will, it is to be hoped, give you a more copious subject for applause1—I am Dr Sir Yr Most Obedt Servt
Go: Washington
P.S. I, this instant, learn that the glass &ca has been sent up.
ALS, MHi: Heath Papers.
1. For Lt. Col. William Hull’s next report, see Heath’s reply to GW, 2 Jan., n.3.