From George Washington to Brigadier General Anthony Wayne, 28 December 1780
To Brigadier General Anthony Wayne
Head Quarters New Windsor 28th Decr 1780
Dear Sir
I have recd your favr of the 25th as I did that of the 10th.1 I think your precautions for the security of your Camp very good—Tho’ I hope, if the Enemy have made a detachment equal to report, which say 2000 to 2500, you will be quiet in your Quarters.
You are more in the way of gaining intelligence from New York than I am, and I shall be obliged to you for procuring as much as you can, and transmitting me whatever is material.2
Mrs Blair having informed that about 2000 shirts, part of the production of the Ladies contribution to the Army, were made up, I have desired her to deliver them to Colo. Miles the Dy Qr M.G. in Philada who has directions to forward 800 of them to you.3 You will have them distributed among those of the Soldiers who are most in need—or by lot.
I very much approve of what I hear is your determination—to hold all your amusements within the line of your Camp—Morris Town would have been exposed to a nights excursion from Staten Island.
I wish the Compliments of the season to you and the Gentlemen of the line and am with very great Regard Dr sir Yr &.
Df, in Tench Tilghman’s writing, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW.
1. See Wayne to GW, 10 and 25 December.
2. A mutiny within the Pennsylvania line on 1 Jan. 1781 disrupted intelligence reports from Wayne (see his letter to GW, 2 Jan., DLC:GW).
3. See GW to Susan Blair, 22 Dec., and to Samuel Miles, 23 Dec., both found at Blair to GW, 8 Dec., n.2.