To George Washington from Captain Damas, 19 December 1780
From Captain Damas
fish Kill [N.Y.] 19th December [1780]
My general
Give me leave to trouble you with my respectful thanks for the new Kindness with Which your Excellency has favoured me. the desire of Seeing West Point and the fear of being troublesome hindered me from paying my Dutys to you and from taking your orders for Albany and for Rhode Island where I am obliged to return the Soonest possible—my only wish is that the Circumstances make me able to give to the general of our united forces the greatest proofs of my attachment, and of my devotion to the Cause of America. I have honour to be With the most perfect respect your Excellency’s most obedient and humble Servant
Count de Damas.
ALS, PHi: Gratz Collection; Sprague transcript, DLC:GW.
GW replied to Damas on Friday morning, 22 Dec.: “General Washington presents his compliments to Monsr Demat—Wishes him a pleasant Journey to Rhode Island—& prays him to offer his best compliments to Count De Rochambeau—and all the Gentlemen with whom he has the honor to be acquainted at that place” (AL, in private hands; for a sale advertisement, see The Manuscript Society catalog, Summer 1989, item 356; see also GW to Lafayette, 26 Dec.).