From George Washington to Colonel Elisha Sheldon, 17 December 1780
To Colonel Elisha Sheldon
Head Quarters New Windsor 17th Decemr 1780
I have your favr of the 13th accompanied by one from Governor Trumbull respecting the Cantonment of your Regt.1 As it is the request of the State and as you seem to think you will be benefitted by the exchange I have consented to your taking your Quarters in Massachusetts in the towns which you have pointed out. But I could not help remarking to the Governor that this repeated interference of the Civil authority in directing the Cantonments of the Army, is a thing very unprecedented, and what may, if generally practiced and2 submitted to, throw the whole into such positions as would render them useless to the security of the Country, and unable to afford succour to each other3—When you have fixed your own quarters let me know where they are, that I may know how to direct to you.
In my letter of the 8th instant, which had not reached you, the Chain of Dragoons was ordered to be broken up.4
You will communicate the inclosed extract from General Orders to Major Tallmadge and the Officers and Men of your Regt who were under his command at the surprise of Fort George.5 I am &.
Df, in Tench Tilghman’s writing, DLC:GW. Sheldon replied to GW on 27 December.
1. See Sheldon to GW, 13 Dec., and n.4 to that document.
2. Tilghman first wrote “always” at this place on the draft. He then struck out that word and inserted the previous three words above the line.
4. See GW to Sheldon, 8 December.
5. The enclosure has not been identified, but see the general orders for 14 Dec.; see also Benjamin Tallmadge to GW, 24 and 25 November.