George Washington Papers

General Orders, 15 December 1780

General Orders

Head Quarters New Windsor Friday December 15th 1780

The Honorable the Congress have been pleased to pass the following Resolutions.

In Congress December 4th 1780

Resolved, That no officer of the line of the Army of the United States without express authority from Congress for that purpose, make any contract or bargain or give any orders for the purchase of Articles for the use of the Troops in the departments of the Clothier General—Quarter Master General—or Commissary General of purchases—except in Cases of necessity for provisions and Forage for detachments or parties in places where the same cannot be drawn from the public stores or Magazines.

Resolved That Mr simeon De Witt be appointed Geographer to the Army in the room of Robert Erskine Esqr. deceased.

Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

For the receipt of these resolutions, see Samuel Huntington to GW, 6 Dec., and n.1; see also Simeon DeWitt to GW, 23 November.

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