From George Washington to La Luzerne, 14 December 1780
To La Luzerne
Hd Qrs New Windsor 14th Decr 1780.
Yesterday brought me the honor of your Excellency’s favor without date—but which I suppose to have been written on the 5th Instt, as it accompanied a letter from the Marqs de la Fayette of that date.1
Receive my good Sir, the expression of gratitude which is due to your Excellency, for the important intelligence you have communicated relative to the designs of the Court of Spain upon the Floridas—I have transmitted the acct [of] these interesting events to the Count de Rochambeau & Chev⟨r⟩ de Ternay, with propositions which if acceded to, I shall do myself the honor of communicating to your Excellency.2
It would have been ⟨for⟩tunate for the Army, if your Excellency’s feelings for its want of Cloathing could ha⟨ve⟩ been relieved by the agreeab⟨le⟩ tydings of the arrival of th⟨at⟩ article; but alas! we are ⟨so⟩ accustomed to want, that ⟨we⟩ dare not flatter ourselves with relief.
Your Excellency’s disp⟨at⟩ches for Rhode Island, accompanying your letter to me, came to hand the Instant the Post was setting out, and was committed to his care. It is the only means of conveyance now left me, since the chain of Expresses which was formed by the Dragoon Horses (& worn down) have been discontinued.3 The Quarter Master General has it not in his power, for want of money, to furnish an Express upon the most urgent occasion.
I anticipate with much pleasure the visit I shall receive from the Chevr de Chatteleaux, and the other Gentlemen of the French Army, on their return to Rhode Island, and beg the favor of your Excellency to present my Compliments to them4 and to Monsr Marbois.5 With great respect an⟨d⟩ personal attachm⟨ent⟩ I have the honr to be Yr Excellys Most O⟨bed⟩. & Hble Servt
Go: Washington
ALS, FrPMAE; ADfS, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW. Obscured material on the ALS is supplied in angle brackets from the draft.
2. See GW to Rochambeau and Ternay, 15 Dec.; see also Rochambeau to GW, 22 Dec., and n.11.
4. See GW’s second letter to James Clinton, 19 Dec., and the notes to that document.
5. François Barbé-Marbois served as the French legation secretary in Philadelphia.