To George Washington from Samuel Huntington, 29 November 1780
From Samuel Huntington
Philadelphia November 29. 1780
Your Excellency will receive enclosed, two Acts of Congress of the 28th Instant and one of this Day.1
By one of the 28th, it is ordered, that the Commander in Chief and the other Officers in the several Departments therein mentioned, be furnished with the Journals of Congress for the Use of the Army; which will be accordingly forwarded as far as they are printed.2
The other of the same Date is explanatory of the late resolutions of Congress respecting the half Pay of the General Officers.3
By the last, the Officers who are entitled to keep Horses, and shall have them wounded & disabled in Action, are to receive Pay for them, provided the Horses so wounded and disabled, are delivered to the Department of the Quarter Master General.4 I have the Honor to be with the highest respect your Excellency’s most obedient & humble servant
Sam. Huntington President
P.S. Your Letter of the 20th hath been duly received.5
LS, DLC:GW; LB, DNA:PCC, item 15.
1. For GW’s announcement of these measures, see General Orders, 14 December.
2. Huntington enclosed a copy of a congressional resolution passed on 28 Nov. that supplied “the Commander in Chief, the Commanding Officer in the southern department, the inspector General, the adjutant general and the Commanding Officer of each State’s lines … with the journals of Congress” (DLC:GW; see also , 18:1099).
3. Huntington enclosed a copy of a congressional resolution adopted on 28 Nov. to clarify that “half pay for life … extended to all major Generals and brigadiers general who shall continue in service to the end of the war and that the resolution of the 21st Octr last was so meant and intended” (DLC:GW; see also , 18:1100; Huntington to GW, 26 Oct.; and General Orders, 1 Nov., and n.8).
4. Huntington enclosed a copy of the congressional resolution adopted on this date that extended an act passed on 8 Jan. that had provided only “for the payment of Officer’s horses killed in action” (DLC:GW; see also , 18:1105–6; Huntington to GW, 12 Jan.; and General Orders, 19 Jan. and 14 Dec.).