George Washington Papers

General Orders, 29 November 1780

General Orders

Morristown [N.J.] Wednesday November 29th 1780

Parole [ ]Countersigns ——

The General has the pleasure to inform the Army that Major Tallmadge with a party of sixty dismounted dragoons of the 2d regiment surprized Fort St George on Long Island and captured a Colonel, Captain Lieutenant Surgeon and Fifty men in it—That he destroyed the works, burnt a Vessel laden with Stores in the harbour, and the King’s Magazine of Forage at Coram containing upwards of three hundred tons of Hay and returned without the Loss of a man having only one wounded—Of the Enemy seven were left dead and mortally wounded at the Fort.1

Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

1For further details on this raid, see Benjamin Tallmadge to GW, 24 and 25 November.

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