George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Major General William Heath, 27 November 1780

From Major General William Heath

Head Quarters West Point Novr 27th 80

Dear General

I am honored with yours of the 26th—have ordered the New Jersey Line to hold itself in readiness to move on the shortest notice—The New York Line to move over to the East side of Hudsons river, & hutt adjoining the New Hampshire Line, except the strongest regiment, which is to hutt near Robinsons Mills; for the purpose mentioned. Colonel Hazens Regiment is ordered to Fish Kill.1 In a former letter your Excellency was pleased to mention your intention, that the Rhode Island regiment should hutt with the New Hampshire Line;2 if that is still your pleasure would it not be well to put them in the barracks at the Continental Village, which may be repaired and the Cantonment at that place may be advantageous on several accounts.

The Forragers are just returning have not yet crossed the river. They have brought off as much Corn & hay as the waggons could remove. I have not had a return of the Cattle brought off but believe the number is not large. The Inhabitants of the Country below are represented to be in a most wretched condition.3 I have the honor to be With the greatest respect Your Excellencys Most Obedient Servant

W. Heath

P.S. The papers from Colonel Allen I received yesterday; he has forwarded them in consequence of an application from me, the last summer, in Obedience to your Excellencys instructions to me before the arrival of the Fleet and Army of our Illustrious Ally4—I am this moment honored with yours of this date shall conduct accordingly.5


LS, DLC:GW; ADfS, MHi: Heath Papers.

3For this forage operation, see Heath to GW, 17–18 November.

4Heath refers to documents (which have not been identified but probably contained Canadian intelligence) from John Allan, superintendent of the eastern Indian department (see Heath to GW, 28 May, and n.2 to that document; see also Heath to GW, 4 Aug., n.4).

5See GW’s first letter to Heath on this date, found at GW to Heath, 26 Nov., n.5.

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