George Washington Papers

General Orders, 22 November 1780

General Orders

Head Quarters Totowa Wednesday Novemr 22d 1780

Parole [ ]Countersigns [ ]
Watchword [ ]

[Officers] For the Day Tomorrow[:] Brigadier General Huntington[,] Lieutenant Colonel commandant sherman[,] Lieutenant Colonel Hull[,] Major Talbot[,] Brigade Major Van Laër

A Fatigue party of fifty men properly officered from the Massachusett and Connecticut lines with four days provision to parade tomorrow morning at Guard mounting at the Quartermaster General’s and take his orders1—This party will join their respective corps at West point.

A Sub. Serjeant and Twenty rank and file from the aforementioned lines to parade at the same time at the Foragemaster General’s and wait his orders.2

Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

1GW’s aide-de-camp Alexander Hamilton wrote Q.M. Gen. Timothy Pickering from headquarters on this date: “A working party of fifty men is ordered to parade tomorrow morning eight oClock at your quarters to take your orders—The object is to repair the road & bri[d]ges for the march of the army to New Windsor by Pompton Ringwood &c. A party of Artificers must accompany—A special charge to do the business well” (DNA: RG 93, manuscript file no. 26396).

2The troops given directions in these general orders likely played supporting roles in intended offensive operations (see The Aborted Attack on the Northern Approaches to New York City and the Feint on Staten Island, 9–24 Nov., editorial note).

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