George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer, 20 November 1780

From Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer

Annapolis Novr 20th 1780

My dear General

Major General Green delivered me Your Excellencys favor of the 23d Ulto.1 I thank you for introducing to my acquaintance, a man, whose abilities as an officer, and whose politeness as a Gentleman entitles him to every mark of respect and attention. And it is with pleasure, that I can assure you, that the Members of both Houses of Assembly (now sitting) are disposed to comply with every requisition made by General Green, as far as may be in their power.2 But I should flatter your Excely and deceive myself, were I to assure you that the number of men required of Maryld would be raised. Her Line has been so often thinn’d, that it seems to me to be impracticable to fill it up without a draught; and it is thought by Gentlemen from different parts of the State, that an attempt of this sort would occasion a revolt. This mode must be attempted, or we must manumit & enlist Blacks.3

What we shall do for Cloathing and Tents, God only knows, they are not at this time to be had, and our Bay is in a manner blocked up; several Vessels from Europe & the West Indias bound to Chesepeake Bay have been taken and, I fear many more dayly expected will meet with the like fate. That the Lord of Hosts may be your Shield and the God of Jacob your refuge, is the most fervent prayer of Your Excellencys affectionate friend and Obedient Servant

Dan. of St Thos Jenifer


3The new arrangement of the Continental army called for five infantry regiments from Maryland (see General Orders, 1 Nov.). Maryland officials eventually recruited and drafted slaves and free blacks (see Quarles, Negro in the American Revolution description begins Benjamin Quarles. The Negro in the American Revolution. 1961. Reprint. Chapel Hill, N.C., 1996. description ends , 56–57).

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