George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Major General William Heath, 15 November 1780

From Major General William Heath

West Point Novr 15th 1780

Dear General

I am honored with yours of the 13th with one enclosed from the Marquis de la Fayette. I have desired the Officer commanding at Fish Kill, to give me notice, should the Officers mentioned, take that route, which I shall communicate; and the Officer at Kings ferry to have an Express ready, in case they pass there, to push forward & give notice of their approach to Head Quarters. If they pass at the latter place, they will be directed on the road, thro Pompton, to Paramus. If the[y] come by Fish Kill & dont pass this way, they will be directed by New Burgh, Chester, & Ringwood to Paramus. Not only duty but inclination, & the warmest attachment will lead me to pay them every attention in my power.1

The inclosed is coppy of a letter I have just received from General Clinton, & exhibits a disagreeable Picture.2 I have the honor to be with the greatest respect Your Excellencys Most Obedient Servant

W. Heath

LS, DLC:GW; ADfS, MHi: Heath Papers. GW acknowledged this letter when he wrote Heath on 17 November.

2The enclosure was Brig. Gen. James Clinton’s letter to Heath dated 12 Nov. (see DLC:GW; see also Clinton to GW, same date, source note).

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