George Washington Papers

General Orders, 13 November 1780

General Orders

Head Quarters Totowa Monday Novemr 13th 1780

Parole Maryland Countersigns I. Q.
Watchword March

[Officers] For the Day Tomorrow[:] Brigadier General Wayne[,] Colonel Chambers[,] Lieutenant Colonel Sumner[,] Major Talbot[,] Brigade Major Pettengill

The invalids and men wanting clothing in the light infantry, excepting in the article of shoes are to join their respective regiments in the Line of the army; they are not to be replaced by others.

Where the want of clothing in yesterday’s report is confined to shoes only the men under that description are to be struck out of the returns because they may be supplied at the issuing Store;1 all the rest with the invalids and an addition of ten men from each regiment the whole under proper officers of their respective regiments or Lines are to march with their Arms baggage &ca, as soon as the Quarter Master General can furnish Waggons; They are to be provided with Tents and Camp kettles from their respective lines and to be under the command of a Colonel from each who will receive his orders at Head Quarters.2

The General recommends it very strongly to the officers remaining to send under this Escort every species of Baggage they can do without, to their Winter quarters, that the Army may be as light and the horses in the field lessened as much as possible.3

Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

1GW had requested these returns, which have not been identified, in the general orders for 11 November.

3GW subsequently received congressional encouragement to reduce the number of horses with the army (see Samuel Huntington to GW, 12 Nov., and n.5).

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