George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Senior Adjutant Mauduit du Plessis, 10 November 1780

From Senior Adjutant Mauduit du Plessis

Newport 10 9bre 1780

My General

An American Soldier takes the liberty to call himself to your Memory, Devoted as your whole attention to the important Concerns of the Country; i have not Call’d yet any part of it, to assure you that my heart will be alwais full of your goodness too me. i hope to have in few weeks the honor to present you my respects.1 excuse me, i beg you, if i d’ont express my-self in English, as i wish, to explain all what i feel for your Excellency, the General Chastellux who has Some benevolence, Can be the interpreter of My sentiments. i have the Honor to be With the Most affectionate attachment, and unfeigned Respect Your Excellency’s Most obedient Servant

Le Che. De Mauduit Duplessis
first A. Major of the Army of the french Army.

ALS, PHi: Gratz Collection.

1Mauduit du Plessis soon saw GW (see GW to Samuel Huntington, 27 Nov., source note).

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