IV. George Washington to Major John Mauritius Goetschius, 21 November 1780
To Major John Mauritius Goetschius
Hd Qrs Novr 21st 1780
Relying upon your prudence, I inform you in confidence that I have in contemplation a movement of some importance towards Elizabeth Town—in which you will be very useful by securing all the water craft on the Hackensack from the New Bridge downwards, and effectually guarding all the crossing places, fords &c., so that no person may be able to pass to the enemy with intelligence. You will begin to do this business on Friday the 24th at twelve OClock at noon and will continue your vigilance all the succeeding night. Much depends on your activity, secrecy and punctuality. I shall send other guards to other places for the same purpose.1 I am Sir Yr Most Obed. ser.
Acknowledge the Re[ceip]t of this letter that I may be certain you have recd it2 A party should stop the passage thro’ the Cedar swamp.
Df, in Alexander Hamilton’s writing, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW. GW’s aide-de-camp Tench Tilghman wrote the postscript on the draft. On the verso of the draft, Hamilton struck out the beginning of another letter with this date (Tuesday), probably an initial attempt at the communication to Goetschius: “You will march on thursday evening with your corps by Hackinsack new bridge towards the.”
1. See Document VI.
2. No reply from Goetschius has been found.