From George Washington to Colonel James Wood, 8 November 1780
To Colonel James Wood
Head Quarters Passaic Falls 8th Novemr 1780
Dear Sir
The inclosed contains a Return of a number of the Officers of the Convention Troops, British and German, whose exchanges have been agreed upon at a late meeting of the respective Commissaries of prisoners.1 You will therefore be pleased to permit them to come immediately forward to Elizabeth town by the Route prescribed to Brigs Genl Spetch and de Gall.2 I am &.
Df, in Tench Tilghman’s writing, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW.
1. GW’s aide-de-camp Tench Tilghman noted at the bottom of the draft: “For the inclosed Return see the Returns in Mr. Skinner’s letter of the 7th Novemr 1780 numbered 5. 6. 10.” Neither the enclosed return nor Abraham Skinner’s letter to GW dated 7 Nov. has been found, but see GW to Skinner, this date, and Thomas Jefferson to GW, 26 Nov., n.4.
2. For the route prescribed for brigadier generals Johann Friedrich Specht and Wilhelm Rudolph von Gall, see GW to Wood, 31 Oct., found at GW to Board of War, same date, n.2.