George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Colonel Armand, 5 November 1780

To Colonel Armand

Head Quarters Prekaness 5th Novemr 1780


By the establishment of the Army agreeable to the Resolve of Congress of the 21st October, the partizan Corps under your command is to consist of three troops of mounted and three of dismounted Dragoons of 50 each—They are to be officered by my appointment subject to the approbation of Congress. I am also authorised to direct a mode for compleating, recruiting and supplying the Corps.1 As to the latter, I shall give it as my opinion to Congress that there is no other modes but to furnish the Commanding Officer with Money to purchase Horses and inlist Men in the States at large, and to direct the Board of War or Cloathier General to procure a regular and full supply of the Cloathing allowed to Officers and Men, and also of the necessary items and Accoutrements for the Horse and Foot. The term of inlistment is for the War only and the Bounty 50 dollars of the new Emission to each recruit and 2 dollars to the recruiting Officer upon delivering the Man to the Corps. If you purchase your own Horses, the price which you are to be allowed to give must be fixed by Congress or the Board of War.

I do not know what number of Officers will be necessary to compleat you to the present establishment, allowing 1 Captain and 2 subs to each Company and Troop. I therefore wish you to make me an immediate return of the names and Ranks of the Officers at present in Commission, with the names of any who are willing to accept new appointments.2 A regard for the reputation of your Corps will make you careful of recommending none to me but Gentlemen upon whom you can depend.3 1 am &.

Df, in Tench Tilghman’s writing, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW. The draft’s docket indicates that Maj. Henry Lee., Jr., received the same letter (see also GW to the Board of War, 7 Nov.).

2For GW’s related recommendation, see his letter to Huntington, 7 Nov.; see also Huntington to GW, 16 Nov., and n.2.

3Armand replied to GW on 21 Nov.; no reply from Lee has been found (see source note above).

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