George Washington Papers

From George Washington to the Board of War, 4 November 1780

To the Board of War

[Preakness, 4 Nov. 1780]. With his “Military Chest being totally exhausted,” GW seeks money that will enable fifteen officers involved in a recent prisoner exchange to reach their homes. “Their long and patient sufferings entitle them to attention and to every assistance in getting themselves and Baggage forward. … P.S. There may perhaps be a few more Gentlemen than those I have named in the same situation.1

Df, in Tench Tilghman’s writing, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

1GW’s aide-de-camp Tench Tilghman also wrote Q.M. Gen. Timothy Pickering from headquarters on this date to request “Horses and saddles to carry” three of the exchanged officers “on towards the southward to which they belong. His Excellency desires you will furnish them and they will leave them with the nearest Quarter Masters to their respective places of abode. These Gentlemen as well as several others have, at their own expence, sent their Baggage to Philada. His Excellency requests you to give your Deputy there a general order to furnish them with means of transportation from thence to the southward. … P.S. There will be about twenty Officers more at Elizabeth town in about a Fortnight in a similar situation. Will it be possible for you to lodge an order with some person in the Neighbourhood of Elizabeth to supply them with a Waggon or two upon their arrival. If you have no deputy there and will give the Commy of prisoners proper authority he will do the business” (DNA: RG 93, manuscript file no. 25712).

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