From George Washington to Francisco Rendon, 1 November 1780
To Francisco Rendon
Head Quarters Prackness Novr 1st 1780
I yesterday had the honor of receiving your letter of the 20th of October.1 The sixteenth the embarkation mentioned in my former letter sailed from New York, consisting from my best accounts of about three thousand men, composed of the grenadiers and light infantry and chiefly besides of detachments. As I mentioned to you in my last I believe they are destined to Virginia, or rather North Carolina to cooperate with Cornwallis. They may however have a destination further Southward.2 I beg you to accept my acknowledgements for obligingly executing the requests contained in my last.3 I have the honor to be With great esteem Sir Your most Obedt servt.
Df, in Alexander Hamilton’s writing, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW. GW’s letter arrived on 7 Nov. (see Rendon to GW, 10 Nov.).
1. In his letter to GW on 20 Oct., Rendon affirmed his role as a liaison for military intelligence (see GW to Rendon, 13 Oct., and n.3 to that document).
2. For the British expedition, see GW to Samuel Huntington, 17 Oct., and n.2; see also Nathanael Greene to GW, 31 Oct., n.4.
3. GW refers to additional correspondence following the death of Spanish envoy Juan de Miralles (see his letter to Rendon, 13 Oct., and n.2 to that document).