General Orders, 29 October 1780
General Orders
Head Quarters Totowa Sunday October 29th 1780
Parole Armenia Countersigns Avon Argos
Watchword Arms
[Officers] For the day Tomorrow[:] Brigadier General Glover[,] Colonel Bradley[,] Lieutenant Colonel Littlefield[,] Major Tudor[,] Brigade Major Pettingal
Ensign John Humphrey of the 6th Pennsylvania regiment is appointed Adjutant to the same vice Lieutenant Herbert resigned from the first instant.1
The grand parade is altered to the field near the Artificers.
The Honorable the Congress have been pleased by their Act of the 23d Instant to promote Brigadier General Parsons to the rank of Major General in the Continental Army.2
Varick transcript, DLC:GW.
1. Lt. Stewart Herbert, Jr., had been adjutant of the 6th Pennsylvania Regiment.
John Humphrey (Humphreys; 1741–c.1796) served in Maj. Henry Lee, Jr.’s Legion before joining the 6th Pennsylvania Regiment as ensign in August 1779. He transferred to the 2d Pennsylvania Regiment in January 1781, became lieutenant in the 4th Continental Artillery Regiment in April 1782, and left the army in June 1783.
2. See , 18:965; see also Samuel Huntington to GW, 26 Oct., n.2, and , 221–22.