George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Joshua Mersereau, 28 October 1780

From Joshua Mersereau

[Rutland, Mass., 28 Oct. 1780]

If it be your Excellencys Pleasure that Col. Kolhler, With his Nephew, Liut. Stodinroth, go to N: york on Parole, to remain till an Exchange on Parole, or otherwise, can be effected—It Will greatly oblidge this old gentleman Who proposes to Quit the Service, as he is infirm and thincks another Winter here Will kill him.

Should your Excellency thinck proper to permit him to go, he Earnestly begs your Excellencys goodness, to Permit his Nephew, to Accompany him; he Dotes, on him, & thincks, he Can’t be happy Without Mr Studenrath.

I Would not have troubeld your Excellency on this Subject, but thinck it an Act of Humanity, in his Peculiar Situation, and may tend to answer Some good Purposes, your Excellencys Direction, Shall be the rule for My Conduct. I have the Honr to be, With Perfect Esteem, your Excellencys Faithfull and Most Obdt Hume Servt

Joshua Mersereau D.C:G. Priss

ALS, DLC:GW. GW’s aide-de-camp Tench Tilghman docketed this letter: “Rutland 28th October 1780 from Colo. Koehler” (see Johann Christoph Koehler to GW, this date, found at Koehler to GW, 21 March, n.4). Tilghman also wrote on the docket: “this Officer being exchangd no answer is necessary.” Col. Johann Christoph Koehler and Lt. Wilhelm Studenroth were Hessians.

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