George Washington Papers

General Orders, 23 October 1780

General Orders

Head Quarters Totowa Monday October 23d 1780

Parole Holland Countersigns Hay: Hall,
Watchword Hope.

[Officers] For the day Tomorrow[:] Brigadier General Irvine[,] Lieutenant Colonel Commandant smith[,] Lieutenant Colonel Mentgez[,] Major Maxwell[,] Brigade Major Van Laër

The Corps of Light Infantry will remove from its present encampment and take Post on the most convenient ground to the Cranetown gap and the notch for the more effectual security of our right.1

General St Clair will take care of the approaches on the Left.

Colonel Moylan’s regiment will furnish the necessary patrols and will take a new position for that purpose.

The officers of the Army are to be furnish’d with two rations ⅌ day ’till further orders.

At a Brigade general court martial held the 17th instant whereof Lieutenant Colonel Mentges was president:

Lieutenant Edward Butler Quartermaster of the 9th Pennsylvania regiment tried for “neglect of duty as Quartermaster in not providing a waggon for the use of the regiment on the 10th instant agreeable to Brigadier General Irvine’s orders.”

The court are of opinion that the charge exhibited against Lieutenant Butler is groundless and do therefore Acquit him.

Lieutenant Butler is released from Arrest.

Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

1Crane’s Gap, near Cranetown (now Montclair), N.J., was a little over two miles southwest of Great Notch in the Watchung Mountains.

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