To George Washington from Colonel William Malcom, 18 October 1780
From Colonel William Malcom
Albany Ocr 18 1780
Since my last letter of the 13th The Enemy from the Western Frontiers have destroyd the Settlement of Scohair—and another Smaller party have burnt some houses to the Northward & taken prisoner some Gentlemen of consequence1—The Militia were orderd out—Eight days ago—Three Regts to Scohair—but when the Enemy appeard only 60 men had joind the Levys which I had posted there2—It is past a doubt that unless some Troops shall Soon Arrive at this place Albany & Schenectady will be our Frontiers. There has but very little assisstance derived from the Grants on this Occassion—which Cannot at present be Accounted for.3
Col. Vanschaaick’s Regt left this Three days ago, The Col. did not think it adviseable to carry them to the Frontiers on account of desertions.
I beg leave to reffer you to the Governors Letter for particulars4—only I must remind your Excellency of the Situation of Fort scuyler—they have only about Forty days provision & it appears impossible to get Cattle in this Quarter.5 I have the Honor to be with great Respect Your Excellencys most Obed. Hble ser.
W. Malcom
1. No letter from Malcom to GW dated 13 Oct. has been found, but see Malcom to GW, 12 Oct., and n.4 to that document.
2. For these levies, see GW to George Clinton, 28 Aug., n.3.
3. Malcom refers to militia from the New Hampshire Grants.
4. See Clinton to GW, this date.