To George Washington from Major General William Heath, 17 October 1780
From Major General William Heath
West point October 1th 1780
Dear General
Yours of the 16th Instant to Major Genl Greene was handed to me.1 Colonel Vanschaick with his Regiment arrived here a few hours Since from Albany, which place he left yesterday.2 The Colonel informs me that the Enemy after taking and burning Fort George Fort Ann, and about thirty Houses and as many Barns had gone back, but it was apprehended by the Commanding officer at Fort Edward that after they had Secured their prisoners they would return.
Colonel Gansvoort’s Regt embarked yesterday for Albany, but the Wind has prevented their sailing.
I have with the advice of General Greene, order’d the Regiment Commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Commandant Weissenfells to embark, and as soon as the Wind is fair, proceed to Albany, with the other Regiment, to take Governor Clinton’s orders who had arrived at that place just before Colonel Vanschaick came away.3
I wish to know your Excellency’s pleasure whether one of those regiments (should the Enemy desist from further operations in that quarter) be ordered to Fort Schuyler for the Winter, or in what way the place of the present ⟨Ga⟩rrison, who have not long to Serve, shall be supplied.4 I have the honor to be With the greatest respect Your Excellency’s Most obedient Servant
W. Heath
LS, DLC:GW; ADfS, MHi: Heath Papers.
2. Col. Goose Van Schaick’s regiment had traveled to Albany from Fort Schuyler, N.Y. (see William Malcom to GW, 3 Oct., and n.1 to that document).
3. See George Clinton to GW, 18 Oct.; see also Greene to GW, 15 October.
4. GW replied to Heath from headquarters at Preakness on 18 Oct.: “I am glad to find by your letter of the 17th that you were arrived at West-Point and had taken the command of that important post. I approve of the measures you were taking to succour the Northern frontiers. Both the regiments You are sending will remain till the danger is intirely past—You will Order Wysenfelts to Garrison Fort Schuyler” (LS, in Caleb Gibbs’s writing, MHi: Heath Papers; Df, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW; see also GW to Clinton, 28 Aug., n.3, and Heath to Frederick Weissenfels, 21 Oct., MHi: Heath Papers).