General Orders, 17 October 1780
General Orders
Head Quarters Totowa Tuesday Octr 17. 1780
Parole Lapland Countersigns Leik, Lar,
Watchword Lively,
[Officers] For the Day Tomorrow[:] Brigadier General Huntington[,] Colonel Bradford[,] Lieutenant Colonel North—Major Wylley[,]1 Brigade Major Woodbridge
A regiment from the second Connecticut brigade to take post at the Notch and relieve Major Parr who is to join the light corps of the army.2
Varick transcript, DLC:GW.
Continental army chaplain Joel Barlow wrote Ruth Baldwin, his eventual wife, from Totowa on 18–22 Oct. that on 17 Oct. he “had a billet from General Washington to dine. How do you think I felt when the greatest man on earth placed me at his right hand, with Lord Stirling at his left, at table? I graced the table with a good grace, and felt perfectly easy and happy. There were many gentlemen there” (
, 36–37).1. The general orders refer to Maj. John Wiley.
2. Maj. James Parr’s command had been posted at Great Notch in the general orders for 9 October.