George Washington Papers

General Orders, 13 October 1780

General Orders

Head Quarters Totowa Friday October 13th 1780

Parole Wilmington. Countersigns Wesel, West.
Watchword Watch

[Officers] For the Day Tomorrow[:] Brigadier General Irvine[,] Colonel Chambers[,] Lieutenant Colonel Sumner[,] Major Harwood[,] Brigade Major Darby

At a General Court Martial held at Fort Pitt the 14th of August last, Colonel Gibson President, Captain Thomas Beall of the Maryland independent corps was tried “for discharging a Soldier after having been duly inlisted and receiving his regimental cloathing through private and interested views thereby defrauding the United States” found Guilty, being a breach of the first Article twelfth section of the Articles of War and sentenced to be dismiss’d from the service.1

The Commander in Chief approves the sentence and orders it to take place.

At the same court David Gamble a soldier of the 8th Pennsylvania regiment was tried on the following charges:

First Desertion:

Second, Having counterfeit money in his Possession.

Unanimously found Guilty being a breach of Article first Section sixth of the Articles of war, Sentenced to suffer Death.2

The Commander in Chief confirms the sentence and orders that David Gamble be executed at such time and Place as the commanding officer in the western department shall direct.

Peter Davis a soldier of the 9th Virginia regiment was tried at the same court for “Desertion” found Guilty and sentenced to suffer Death.

The Commander in Chief approves the sentence but from the intercession of the Court he is pleased to pardon him.3

Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

1For the first article of the twelfth section of the articles of war, see General Orders, 27 Sept., n.3.

2For the first article of the sixth section of the articles of war, see General Orders, 30 Aug., n.3.

3Pvts. Peter Davis and David Gamble had escaped (see Daniel Brodhead to GW, 14 Sept., and n.2 to that document; see also Brodhead to GW, 18 Aug., and n.2 to that document).

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