George Washington Papers

To George Washington from William Livingston, 7 October 1780

From William Livingston

Trenton 7 October 1780

Dear Sir

I most heartily congratulate your Excellency on the timely Discovery of General Arnold’s treasonable Plot to captivate your Person, & deliver up West Point to the Enemy; of which the Loss of the former, had his infernal Machinations succeeded, would have been more regretted by America, than of the latter.1 The remarkable Interposition of Providence to frustrate the diabolical Conspiracy will inspire every virtuous American with sincere Gratitude to the Great Arbiter of all Events; and I hope, not a true whig amongst us will ever forget the memorable Æra when we were, by the peculiar Guardianship of Heaven, rescued from the very Brink of Destruction. I have the Honour to be with the highest Respect Dear Sir your Excellencys most humble Servt

Wil: Livingston

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