George Washington Papers

To George Washington from John Mercereau, 27 September 1780

From John Mercereau

September 27: 1780


the Enclsed I Receiv’d from New york yesterday,1 assoon as I Get the Accounts from the Other Correspondent I will Come with them myself this Day he was to Ride out on Long Island if the weather Dont hinder I Shall Send a person over to him against he Can get the plan and other Accounts Ready assoon as I Receive them Shall Loose No time, I Should have Come my Self this time but am Not well Enough to Ride that Distence and want to be here to get the others over I hope you will Receive this timely.

Six of Rodneys Ships Lay at the watering place the pilate of the Admirels Ship Says they are to Sail in three or four Days time, your most Obedient Umble Servent

John Mercereau


1The enclosure from “Littel D——” (John Vanderhovan’s alias) is dated 26 Sept. and begins: “I am So far Recovered th⟨anks⟩ to Almity God for it as to Be able to walk out as far as the Dock.” It provided intelligence about British vessels around New York City and units slated for an embarkation under Maj. Gen. Alexander Leslie, with “the oppinyon of Almost Every One that Rhoad Island is the place of theire Distenation the troops Amount in all to near Eight Thousand which added to three Ridgts on Board Rodneys fleet will amount to near ten thowsand men” (DLC:GW).

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