George Washington Papers

From George Washington to George Clinton, 21 October 1780

To George Clinton

Head Quarters near Passaic [N.J.] Octr 21st 1780

Dear Sir

I do myself the honor to inclose Your Excellency the Copy of a Letter which has just come to hand from Mr Duer.1

Altho the testimony contained in it does not seem to be so direct as to make Mr Smith obnoxious to a Military process, Yet, agreable to Mr Duer’s request, I thought it necessary you should be apprised of it, that the State may be enabled to take the proper Measures for the public safety.

How far this information ought to co-operate with other circumstances to have Mr Smith removed from the vicinity of our Posts at Kings Ferry, Your Excellency, from a full knowledge of his character & connections, will be better able to determine than I am.2 I have the honor to be With the greatest Respect & Esteem Your Excely’s Mos. Ob.

Go: W——n

Df, in David Humphreys’s writing, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

1See Document IX.

2Clinton responded to GW from Poughkeepsie, N.Y., on 31 Oct. that he would “deliver the Information respecting” Thomas Smith to the appropriate state officials for investigation (DLC:GW).

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