From George Washington to Colonel John Lamb, 16 October 1780
To Colonel John Lamb
Hd Qrs [Preakness] Octr 16th 80
I would willingly dispense with your attendance agreeable to your request if the Court did not deem it necessary.1 But as the case is capital and the prisoner insists on your presence, our military laws require it. I am sorry for your indisposition; but I wish you may find yourself able to be here on thursday or friday. The want of your testimony will otherwise be the only delay to the conclusion of the trial.2 I am with great regard Sir Your most Obedt servt
Go: Washington
LS, in Alexander Hamilton’s writing, NHi.
1. See Document X.
2. Lamb testified at Joshua Hett Smith’s court-martial on Friday, 20 Oct. (see Document XI, n.1).