To George Washington from Captain Lieutenant Isaac Hubbell, 27 September 1780
From Captain Lieutenant Isaac Hubbell
West Point 27th Sepr 80
Respected Sir
The inclosed few lines from Mr Smith by the commandants permission has been written,1 would be glad of your Excellencys direction wheither you would have the prisoner indulged with the use of Pen, Ink & Paper—or not—As I dont recollect you gave me any Instructions on that head2—I have the Honor to be Your Excellencys Obedient Sarvant
I. Hubbell A.D.A.Gl
1. See Document VI.
2. GW’s aide-de-camp Richard Kidder Meade wrote Hubbell from headquarters on this date: “His Excellency desires me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter inclosing one from Mr Smith—& to observe in answer to it, that you may indulge him with sending for such articles of Cloathing as he wishes to have, but, that he does not think proper at present, to suff’er an interview betwe[e]n him and any of the persons he requested to see—It is also his Excellincys pleasure that Mr Smith should be debarred the use of pen Ink and paper. … P.S. The two Prisoners Committed to your charge last evening will remain with you until tomorrow—⟨the Ge⟩nl intreats your utmost attention to their security” (DLC:GW). Maj. John André was the second prisoner at West Point (see Document II, source note, with Major John André’s Capture and Execution, 23 Sept.–7 Oct., editorial note).