George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Isaac Ledyard, 26 September 1780

To Isaac Ledyard

Robinsons Septr 26th 1780


I return you my thanks, for your information conveyed through a letter to Colo. Lamb which has just arrived here.1

I shall esteem it a particular favor If you will instantly get possession of the Papers (which you mention,) in the possession of young Mr Smith, & also to have him & the mate who is also noticed in your letter, secured, provided you see sufficient cause for it—in this case,2 if you find assistance necessary, I have inclosed a line to the Commanding Officer at Fish kill, to afford it on your application.3 I am.

Df, in Richard Kidder Meade’s writing, DLC:GW. The dateline indicates Beverly Robinson’s house.

1Ledyard’s letter to Col. John Lamb has not been identified, but see Document V, and n.2 to that document.

2The behavior of Thomas Smith’s son William after his uncle Joshua’s apprehension, drew Ledyard’s attention (see Koke, Joshua Hett Smith description begins Richard J. Koke. Accomplice in Treason: Joshua Hett Smith and the Arnold Conspiracy. New York, 1973. description ends , 120, and Documents IV and V).

3GW’s aide-de-camp Richard Kidder Meade wrote the officer commanding at Fishkill, N.Y., on this date: “His Excy desires me to request that if Doctr Ledyard, should make application to you for an officer & party of men, that you will be pleased to furnish it” (DLC:GW).

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