From George Washington to Lieutenant General Rochambeau, 26 September 1780
To Lieutenant General Rochambeau
Head Quarters Near West Point Sepr 26. 1780
On my arrival here a very disagree⟨a⟩ble scene unfolded itself. By a lucky accident a conspiracy of the most dangerous kind, the object of which was to sacrifice this post, has been detected. General Arnold, who has sullied his former glory by the blackest treason, has escaped to the enemy. This is an event that occasions me equal regret and mortification; but traitors are the growth of every country, and in a revolution of the present nature it is more to be wondered at, that the catalogue is so small, than that there have been found a few.
The situation of the army at this time will make General Heath’s presence with us useful. I have written to him for this purpose.1 I hope his removal will be attended with no inconvenience to Your Excellency.2 With the greatest regard, I have the honor to be Your Most Obedt st
Go: Washington
LS, in Alexander Hamilton’s writing, CtY-BR-R; Df, DLC:GW; Rochambeau’s French translation, CtY-BR-R; LB, in French, DLC: Rochambeau Papers, vol. 7; Varick transcript, DLC:GW.
1. See Document VI.