To George Washington from Colonel Beverly Robinson, 25 September 1780
From Colonel Beverly Robinson
Vulture Off Sinsink [Sing Sing, N.Y.] Sepr 25th 1780
I am this moment informed that Major Andree, Adjutant Genr. of His Majestys Army in America is detained as a prisoner, by the Army under your Command. It is therefore incumbant on me to inform you of the manner of his falling into your hands; He went up with a flag at the request of Genr. Arnold on publick bussiness with him and had his permit to return by Land to New York; under these Circumstances Majr Andree cannot be detained by you, without the greates[t] violation of flags, & contrary to the custom and usage of all nations, and as I imagine you will see this matter in the same point of View as I do, I must desire you will Order him to be set at Liberty & allowed to return immediately; every step Majr Andree took was by the advice & direction of Genr. Arnold, even that of taking a fained Name & of Course not lyable to censure for it1—I am Sr not forgeting our former Acquaintan[c]e2 Yr Very H. Sert
Bev: Robinson Colo. Loyl Am[erican]s
ALS, DLC:GW; copy, DNA:PCC, item 152.
1. Maj. John André used “John Anderson” as an alias.
2. GW had socialized with Robinson in winter 1756 while in New York City (see Joseph Chew to GW, 4 March 1756, in 2:322–23; see also Robinson to GW, 23 July and 2 Sept. 1756, in 3:285–89, 385–86, and Robinson to GW, 1 March and 16 April 1758, in 5:98–99, 128–29).