George Washington Papers

General Orders, 15 September 1780

General Orders

Head Quarters Steenrapia Friday September 15th 1780

Parole Russia. Countersigns N. C.
Watchword Hark Hark!

[Officers] For the day tomorrow[:] Brigadier General Stark[,] Lieutenant Colonel Commandant smith[,] Lieutenant Colonel Huntington[,] Major Wyllys[,] Brigade Major Van Läer

Morning Orders Septemr 15th

Major Ball is appointed a Member of the Court of Enquiry whereof Colonel Nixon is President vice Major Reid on command.1

Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

1Col. Israel Angell wrote in his diary entry for this date: “I attended the Court this morning, but Major Reid [Reed] one of the members was through mistake Sent on Command and no business Could be done. I applyd to the Adjutant Genl to git him Releaved. which he promist me Should be done the next day” (Field, Angell Diary description begins Edward Field, ed. Diary of Colonel Israel Angell, Commanding the Second Rhode Island Continental Regiment during the American Revolution, 1778–1781. Providence, 1899. description ends , 117; see also General Orders, 12 Sept., and n.1).

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