George Washington Papers

General Orders, 31 August 1780

General Orders

Head Quarters Tean Neck [N.J.] Thursday August 31st 1780

Parole Mexico Countersigns Menden: Moro.
Watchword Hampden

[Officers] For the Day Tomorrow[:] Brigadier General Wayne[,] Colonel Nixon[,] Lieutenant Colonel Basset[,] Brigade Major Pettingal. For Guard[:] Major Winslow

A small number of Sabres and belts having arrived for the noncommissioned officers—Application is to be made immediately for ten swords for each regiment vizt one for the Quarter Master serjeant and one for the first Serjeant of each company. The Bayonet belts now in the hands of those Serjeants are to be turn’d in.

The Brigade Conductors are to attend tomorrow morning nine ô clock at the Park of Artillery for their proportion of Drums and fifes—The drum and fife Majors are to attend at the Same time with all their old fifes for the purpose of having them properly sorted to the same Keys.

A return of Shoes wanting: to be made to morrow morning at orderly time—the Light Infantry to be included by the Clothiers of the Corps to which they belong: It is expected that the returns will include no more than are actually wanting at this time as the stock will not admit of a general delivery. The Drafts are not to be included.

Till the Corps of rifle men are properly equip’d, they are to take post on the right of the first line and will practice firing at a Mark between the Hours of four and Six in the afternoon till their rifles are in order for real service.1

Lieutenant Joseph Miller of the 13th Massachusetts regiment is appointed Adjutant to the same from the first of July last vice Adjutant Fowles promoted.2

Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

1GW had written the Board of War on 14 Aug. seeking rifles. For their arrival, see the general orders for 11 October.

2Joseph Miller joined the 13th Massachusetts Regiment as a private in May 1775, re-enlisted as sergeant in January 1777, rose to ensign in spring 1779, and became lieutenant in May 1780. He served as quartermaster for the 6th Massachusetts Regiment from January 1781 to June 1783.

John Fowle (Fowles; 1756–1823) of Watertown, Mass., enlisted in the 13th Massachusetts Regiment as sergeant in 1775, was commissioned lieutenant in January 1777, and became regimental adjutant in April 1779. Promoted to captain lieutenant that June and captain that September, he joined the 3d Massachusetts Regiment in May 1781.

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