George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Lieutenant Haskal Freeman, 5 July 1780

From Lieutenant Haskal Freeman

Boston July 5—1780

May it pleas your Excellency! that your Humble peticioner request’s a Discharge from the Army.

The reson Why I troble Your Excellency! and the motives that induces me to send Forward this peticion is my Helth being so much impard by a wound Received on Rodisland (when under the Command of the Honourable General Sullivan) under which I Languist a long Time and still finding my self unfit for the service!1 therfor Desire your Excellencys approbation on this suject!2 I am your Excellencys most obediante Humble Servant

Haskal Freeman Lt & Adjt 4th Mss. Regt

ALS, DNA: RG 93, manuscript file no. 2350. GW’s secretary Robert Hanson Harrison wrote “resigd 15 Augt 1780” under the docket.

Haskal (Haskell, Haskall) Freeman (c.1751-1821), of Harwich, Mass., received, in September 1779, a commission as an ensign in the 4th Massachusetts Regiment that was backdated to 1 Nov. 1777. Freeman’s promotion to lieutenant in May 1780 was backdated to 18 Aug. 1779. Freeman also served for a time as the regiment’s adjutant. Near the end of his life, Freeman resided in Barre, Worcester County, Massachusetts.

1According to pension records, Freeman “was severely wounded in the thigh and groin” during Maj. Gen. John Sullivan’s 1778 “expedition at Rhode island.” Freeman evidently participated in “many skirmishes” during the war, and by 1818 he claimed to be “very infirm on account” of his wounds (DNA: RG 15, Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files, 1800-1900).

2GW’s secretary Robert Hanson Harrison wrote and signed a note, dated “the 15 day of August 1780,” on the verso of Freeman’s commission for lieutenant: “Haskell Freeman Edqr., a Lieutt & Adjutant in the 4 Massachusetts Regiment, having solicited leave to retire from service on account of his indisposition arising from a Wound received at Rhode Island which renders him <incap[a]ble> of military duties, the same is granted By His Excellency’s command” (DNA: RG 15, Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files, 1800-1900).

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