George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Brigadier General Jacob Bayley, 24 August 1780

From Brigadier General Jacob Bayley

Newbury [Vt.] 24th August 1780


My second party is arived from Canada but for want of an Interpreter got no Inteligence of Consiquence worth the Cost of an Express we only find by them that the Enemy Lately keep their Small parties out at Least half way to us1—Two parties of French are now in Canada or on their Return one from towards Quebeck the other from Sarell those were sent from Head Quarters by the Marquess2 when they Return I Shall Send Immediately but am much put to it for Cash for their Expence and the Expresses—a Small party of Tories and Indians have been to a Back Town 40 miles Below this, Captivated three men, plundered a Number of Women, killed a number of Cattle, and got off Clear—I Expect when Coll Johnson has Rested he will pay us a Visit: I hope we Shall be Ready for him—Our wheat is in our Barnes and have Very Great plenty. I Am Sr Your Exelancy’s Humle Sert

Jacob Bayley

P.S. Bread Enough now in this Country for allmost any Number of Troops.

L, DLC:GW. The postscript is in Bayley’s writing. The docket in part reads: “recd 7th Septr.” No reply from GW to Bayley has been found.

1For the report of the first scouting party, see Bayley to GW, 15 July.

2For Major General Lafayette’s dispatch of these officers to Canada, see Lafayette to La Luzerne, 30 June, in Lafayette Papers description begins Stanley J. Idzerda et al., eds. Lafayette in the Age of the American Revolution: Selected Letters and Papers, 1776–1790. 5 vols. Ithaca, N.Y., 1977-83. description ends , 3:62–67.

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