George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Nathaniel Shaw, 18 August 1780

From Nathaniel Shaw

New London [Conn.]
Augst 18th 1780 Fryday 7 OClock P.M.


Since I wrote you the 13th Inst. the Brittish Fleet are Returnd, and are now att Anchor in Sight of this Port, and Yesterday Six Ships Came from up the Sound, I Suppose from New York and Join’d them, I look’t att them with a Good Spy Glass, and Imagine their was one Frigate and Five Store Ships.

Shall Inform our Friends at New Port (Agreable to your Request) of Every movement of the Brittish Fleet as long as they Continue hear.1

This Evening we Send a Small Boat Over to the Island for Inteligence when she Returns Shall Inform you. I am Sir Your moast obedt hume Servt

Nathl Shaw


1For the request, see GW to Shaw, 16 Aug., found at Shaw to GW, 13 Aug., source note.

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