George Washington Papers

General Orders, 10 August 1780

General Orders

Head Quarters Orange town Thursday August 10th 1780

Parole Baltimore Countersigns Boon Bark
Watchword Prudence.

[Officer] For the Day Tomorrow. Brigadier General Wayne.

Brigade returns of the Espontoons wanting are to be transmitted to the orderly office 12 ô clock tomorrow.1

A General Court martial to assemble tomorrow morning nine ô clock at the Orderly Office when they will receive directions where to sit, to try all prisoners who shall be brought before them Colonel Greaton is appointed President—Lieutenant Colonel Mellen Major Church, and a Captain from each Brigade except the 3d & 4th Massachusetts to attend as Members.

After Orders

The Division General Court martial whereof Colonel Angell is President of Major General Lord stirling’s late Division is to assemble tomorrow morning ten ô clock at the President’s Tent to finish the Trial of Lt Boss.2

The General Court martial whereof Colonel Butler is President is dissolved.3

Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

1Continental infantry officers who would act on foot in battle were required to carry an espontoon, or short pike (see General Orders, 12 Oct. 1779).

2George Boss served as an ensign in the 2d Pennsylvania Battalion and as an adjutant in the 3d Pennsylvania Regiment before joining the 4th Pennsylvania Regiment and rising to lieutenant in June 1778. He was also the regiment’s adjutant. In January 1781, he transferred to the Invalid Regiment. He was dismissed from the army on 13 Sept. 1782 for conduct unbecoming an officer (see General Orders, that date).

3For the appointment of this court, see General Orders, 9 July.

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