George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Nathaniel Shaw, 9 August 1780

From Nathaniel Shaw

New London [Conn.,] Augst 9th 1780


The Brittish Fleet Come to Sail last Sunday1 from of[f] this Harbour and mov’d up as farr as Gardners Island where they have been att Anchor Ever Since, only Three or four frigates Cruze between Block Island & the Fleet.

we have Sent a Boat over to the Island to git Intelligence, and when she Returns Shall Inform you—I am Sir Your hum. Servt

Nathl Shaw


Shaw wrote GW on “Thursday” [Friday,] 11 Aug., from New London at “12 OClock”: “This Serves Just to Inform you that the Brittish Fleet Continue att Gardners Island, our Boat is Return’d from the Island, and the Inhabitants say the Brittans are Procuring Small Stock wood & Water” (ALS, DLC:GW).

1The previous Sunday was 6 August.

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