George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Major Jean Murnan, 8 August 1780

To Major Jean Murnan

Head Quarters near Orange Town 8th Augt 1780


I am sorry to find by a letter from His Excellency Governor Trumbull accompanied by a deposition of Capt. Green of Colo. Wyllis’s Regt that a Quarter Master Sergeant of the Regt has been stabbed by you in the Arm and Body.1 I will not undertake to say whether the provocation you recd from the Sergeant did or did not justify the proceeding, as I have only heard the complaint of one party, but as the matter has irritated not only the Militia but the inhabitants in that quarter, I have thought it best to recall you—You will therefore immediately upon the receipt of this return to the Army.

I am &.

Df, in Tench Tilghman’s writing, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW. GW enclosed the receiver’s copy, which has not been found, in his letter of this date to Connecticut governor Jonathan Trumbull, Sr.

1See Trumbull to GW, 4 August.

John Green (1736–1803) served as a captain in Col. Hezekiah Wyllys’s regiment of Connecticut militia raised in July 1780 to operate with the Continental army for three months.

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