To George Washington from Corny, 7 August 1780
From Corny
Newport 7 August 1780.
Dear General,
I reserved, agreable to your permission, the Detachment of the company of herr, untill the arrival of the french army.1 the dragons were employd in carrying the first accounts.2 the Count de Rochambeau requested Lieftenant strubing to charge himself With the pacquets of Consequence Wich it was necessary to send With safety to your excellency and Mr De La Luzerne. he Discharged his commission With great fidelity. the Marquis de Lafayette had proposed to employ this Detachment in his peculiar service, as the time the appearance of the english Before New-port flatterd us With the idea of his commanding the Brave americans; as Circumstances are changed, and the marquis has returned to join you. I have the honor to send Back to your excellency, My dear general, this Detachment. i shall express to you the satisfaction i have in the Conduct of serjeant Aker, of this Company.3 I return you a thousand thanks; I Desire to see you as soon as possible, and to assure you, yet once, in person the sentiments of the great respect, admiration, and attachment With Which I have the honor to be, forever, Dear general of your excellencys the most faith full, humble, and obedient servant
ethis De Corny
1. GW likely gave verbal permission for Corny to employ a detachment of Capt. Bartholomew von Heer’s Maréchaussée Corps of dragoons; no letter from GW to Corny on this subject has been found. In late May, GW had a personal conference with Corny (see GW to James Craik, 24 May, n.2; see also GW to Corny, 10 June).
2. For Corny’s announcement of the arrival of the French expeditionary force, see William Heath to GW, 11 July (second letter), source note.
3. Corny may be referring to Frans Stacker (Hacker), a native of Bohemia and sergeant in the Maréchaussée Corps.