George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Colonel Israel Shreve, 3 August 1780

From Colonel Israel Shreve

Camp Near Kings Ferry [N.Y.] 3d Augt 1780


I Receivd your Excys Letters of the 30th and 31st of the Instant, Col. Dayton being Absent,1 I marched Immediately and arived At this place this morning Receivd Orders to halt, was joind by Col. Levingsto⟨ns⟩ Regt the Col. Consequently taken the Command of the Brigade.2 I am your Excellencys Most Obedt Servt

I. Shreve.


1No letters from GW to Shreve or Col. Elias Dayton of 30 or 31 July have been found, but see GW to James Livingston, 31 July.

2For the assignment of Col. James Livingston’s regiment to Dayton’s New Jersey brigade, see General Orders, 1 August.

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