From George Washington to Colonel James Wood, 27 July 1780
To Colonel James Wood
Head Quarters Bergen County 27 July 1780
Dear Sir
Inclosed is a Copy of a relation given by a Mr Hoaksley Waggon Master Genl to the troops of Convention to Major Genl Phillips, respecting the treatment of those troops on the score of provision1—The original of this paper has been transmitted to me by Sir Henry Clinton with a request that I would make enquiry into the matter. I am the more anxious to be fully informed upon this subject, as Major General Phillips has been pleased in his representation to Sir Henry Clinton to take the whole for granted and to make some very illiberal and unjustifiable remarks upon it2—For my own part I am persuaded that you have paid every attention to the wants of the prisoners, and that if there has been at times a scarcity of provision, it has been owing to unavoidable accidents.3 I am Dear Sir &.
Df, in Tench Tilghman’s writing, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW.
1. The enclosed document has not been identified.
2. For Gen. Henry Clinton’s letter to GW, the copy of Robert Hoaksley’s letter to Maj. Gen. William Phillips, and Phillips’s letter to Clinton, see Clinton to GW, 19 July, and n.1 to that document; see also GW to Clinton, 26 July (first letter).