George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Joseph Reed, 27 July 1780

To Joseph Reed

Head Quarters Bergen County 27th July 1780.
near Falls of Passaic [N.J.]

Dear Sir

I have no scruple of announcing to you, that New York is the object of my preparations, and, if the respective States comply with the requisitions made on them, there is a well grounded hope of putting a speedy and happy termination to the War.1

Taking it for granted that the Militia of your State who were requested to rendezvous at Trenton2 by the 25th Inst. are there by this time, I have to request the favor of you to order them to join the Army under my immediate command as soon as possible.3 Supposing they should not all have assembled, those which shall cross the Delaware at or below Trenton, may proceed by the Route of Princetown—Brunswic—Springfeild and Acquaquenack. Those at a⟨nd⟩ above Coryells Ferry may come by the way of Morris Town &ca to this place or whereever the Army ⟨m⟩ay be at the time; to know which the Comm⟨a⟩nding Officer would do well to send a person for⟨w⟩ard in time.4 I am with great Regard Dear Sir Yr most obt and humble Servt

Go: Washington

LS (photocopy), in Tench Tilghman’s writing, DLC:GW, ser. 9; ADfS, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

1For these requisitions for men and supplies, see Samuel Huntington to GW, 29 Feb., n.2; and GW to the Committee at Headquarters, 25 May, and notes 1 and 5.

2On the draft, GW left a space for the location; Tilghman wrote “Trenton” in the blank.

3For this request for militia, see Circular to the States, 2 June; see also Circular to the States, 30 June.

4Reed commanded the militia himself (see Reed to GW, 17 Aug.).

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