George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Major General Nathanael Greene, 27 July 1780

From Major General Nathanael Greene

Camp [Preakness, N.J.] July 27th 1780


I have the honor to enclose your Excellency, for your consideration, a letter which I received last evening from Mr Olney.1 you will be pleased to inform me what directions I shall give Mr Olney2 and am Sir, your Excellency’s, most obdt hume Servt

Nath. Greene Q.M.G.


1George Olney’s letter to Greene has not been identified.

2No reply from GW to Greene has been found, but GW’s aide-de-camp Tench Tilghman wrote under the docket of the letter: “Mr Olney directed to forward the Cloathing by land from Rhode Island if the fleet continues blocked up.” For GW’s initial instructions regarding the clothing for the Continental army brought by the French naval squadron at Rhode Island, see GW to Olney, 18 July.

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