George Washington Papers

General Orders, 25 July 1780

General Orders

Head Quarters Pracaness Tuesday July 25th 80

Parole Dartmouth Countersigns Drum Dee
Watchword Remember

[Officers] For the Day Tomorrow[:] Colonel Angell[,] Brigade Major Ogden

After Orders

Major Thomas L. Moore is appointed a Member of the General Court Martial whereof Colonel Butler is President vice Major Edwards going on Command.1

Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

On the evening of this date, GW’s aide-de-camp Tench Tilghman wrote to Brig. Gen. Henry Knox from headquarters: “The General desires that 750 of the Arms and Accoutrements coming from Philadelphia may be sent to West point—of the remainder between three and four hundred sent to this Camp and the rest left at Morris Town to m⟨eet⟩ the demands of the Pennsylvania and Jersey Levies.

“The missing french transport with 350 Men and 50 Tons of powder is arrived safe at Boston” (DNA: RG 93, manuscript file no. 29209; misdated 24 July 1780). For the French transport, see William Heath to GW, 21 July (first letter), and n.6.

1For the appointment of this court, see General Orders, 9 July.

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