George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Major General Robert Howe, 23 July 1780

From Major General Robert Howe

Highlands [N.Y.] 23d July 1780

Dear sir

I am exceedingly anxious to hear from your Excellency about the militia at Clavarac that I mention’d in my letter a day or two Since as I hear they are arriving there very fast.1 Colo. Hay tells me six thousand will take that Rout my accounts of cattle are not very Encouraging I must give the Purchasers a spur, and again Apply to the state of Connecticut.

this casual Express gives me a moment to trouble you with these few lines. In great Haste but with Every sentiment of affection and Respect I am Dear sir Your Excellencys most obt hum. servt

Robt Howe

p.s. Sir Harry Clinton went down to new york a few nights since at midnight & a Large Council of War of General & Field officers has been held. The Enemy as I am informed have moved in preparition as it is said for the movement I wrote you about last night & this morning.2

ALS, DLC:GW. GW replied to Howe on 24 July.

2For the letter of “last night,” see Howe to GW, 22 July (second letter). For more on this British operation and its objective, see GW to Rochambeau, 27 July (second letter), n.3.

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