George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Major Henry Lee, Jr., 11 June 1780

To Major Henry Lee, Jr.

Hd Quarters near Springfield June 11th 1780

Dr Sir

I have rec’d your favor of this date—& The spirit which has been exhibited by your co[r]ps on the present occasion, gives me pleasure, & be assured meets with my thanks & approbation. As your rapid progress must have fatigued the Cavalry in some degree, I wish you for the present to take Post somewhere in our rear—perhaps chatham or its vicinity, is as well calculated to afford you forage as any other place—You will however when you have fixed on the spot be pleased by a line to point it out to me.1 I am &ca


P.s. I shall be glad to see you at my Qrs tomorrow morng.

Df, in Richard Kidder Meade’s writing, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

1No letter from Lee to GW on this subject has been found. For the assignment of Lee’s dragoons, see Lee to GW, 15 June, source note.

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